I'll give you a moment.
Welcome back. Okay I need you to answer the following questions:
1. What pictures disgusted you the most?
2. What pictures did you say "That's just not right!"?
3. What pictures made you throw-up in your coffee mug?
4. Which pictures caused you to convulse uncontrollably and gouge your eyes out with a spoon and jump out of your fifth floor window of your condo and pray that your kids would never have to see or consume such horrors?
The fact is; for the answer to those questions you were thinking about all the vile creations that contained something sweet and meat. Don't deny it. What part of your soul said "I'd eat that candied bacon ice-cream or that Krispy Kreme Sloppy Joe?" Just to cement my claim that some of these creations would make you want to ram your head through your computer monitor I'd like to show you all the No Sweet Meat Club violations courtesy of thisiswhyyourfat.com.

An even worse version of the donut sandwhich. A chocolate donut sandwhich. Dunkin Donuts won't be getting a Christmas card this year. They'll only be getting a box of my vomit.

"Hot Beef Sundae? I'm sorry, it sounded like you said 'Hot Beef Sundae'"

French Toast Sandwhich. I see a receipt. Someone actually wasted their money on this stack 0 crap.

And now for the grand finale!!! It's my favorite sweet meat violations. People jacking with my beloved bacon. What is people's obsession with screwing up bacon? You people don't realize how hard this is to post this crap. I am literally sick to my stomach while posting these pictures. Why do I do it? I do it to show you the obsurdity, the disgusting nature of our culinary trends. This too will pass. And I will be at the helm of the rebellion.
Chocolate covered bacon burger.

Donut with bacon sprinkles.

Candied bacon ice-cream.

Bacon chocolate chip cookies.