People of the world! Hear my words! The time to end this nonsense is now! Who told you that slathering sweet syrups and spices all over your ham was delicious? Your parents? Not likely. It's not just The Food Network, the fancy celebrity chefs, and the snotty food columnists across the globe who needed something different to shovel down our throats because they ran out of ideas; it's also backed by the sugar "industry" (more like cartel) who got tired of seeing low-sugar, diet products gaining popularity. THEY don't want us to eat healthy. THEY don't want us to enjoy the savory goodness of our meat anymore. It's all about money to them. I can see straight through their deceit and lies.
And THIS! THIS HAM is the pinnacle, the granddaddy of them all! This is why I do what I do. This is why I will never stop my quest to save the world of this sweet meat ridiculousness. BEHOLD: Sweet and Spicy Rubbed Ham.

- 6 pound(s) (fully cooked smoked) bone-in ham
- 1/2 cup(s) (packed ) brown sugar
- 1/3 cup(s) maple syrup
- 1/2 teaspoon(s) (ground) mustard
- 1/8 teaspoon(s) (ground) cinnamon
- 1/8 teaspoon(s) ground ginger
- 1/8 teaspoon(s) ground cloves
- dash ground nutmeg
- cinnamon sticks
- red seedless grapes