Enter beef jerky 2009. A soft textured beef(?) like substance soaked in sugar water before being pumped with perservatives, bagged, and sold to the masses at Walmart. Take a look at the ingredient list. Even on the peppered and original; third or fourth ingredient is sugar! What happened to the real bee

Now I want everyone to play my favorite game; real life application! The next time you're at the Outback or Saltgrass Steakhouse, when your steak arrives at the table, instead of reaching for the A1, salt, or liquid smoke, reach on over and grab yourself 4 or 5 sugar packets. Tear em open and pour it over your steak. Eat it. Enjoy it. What's wrong? Is that grossing you out? OF COURSE IT IS! YOU JUST PUT SUGAR ALL OVER YOUR FREAKIN STEAK! WHAT'D YOU EXPECT YOU DIMWIT? Go back to eating tofu and grass.
Why would you not do that in a million years, but turn around and grab a bag of sugar infused jerky at the grocery store the next day. Because you're a hypocrite! Stop living the lie! Join me and help me open people's eyes to this sickness.
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